Tuesday, February 12, 2008

come and gone

Thanks so much to all of you who made our first BIG BAG SALE a HUGE success....AND for those of you who couldn't make it, you DO NOT want to miss out on our next bag sale.

We opened at 9 am and by 8:30 there was a line all the way down the side of our building and people were having to park in the next parking lot.

It was UNBELIEVABLE the amount AND quality of items that people were stuffing in their bags!!! I saw SEVEN jeans, prom dresses, business suits and shoes all stuffed in one bag or another. It was a fun event and the customers had a great time.
It was a little chaotic with all the people in our store!!!
Maybe you didn't come because you aren't a "digger." Well guess what!?! NO digging! Everything is hanging on racks with the exception of pants and tees which were neatly organized into stacks by size.

We plan on having a BIG BAG SALE at the end of each season.....See you in September?

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